In the beginning, Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed, but they weren’t uncovered. They were wrapped completely in the LORD's righteousness, in covenant relationship, fully knowing their creator and who they were in him. But in Genesis 3, everything changed. Lies broke in, shame and condemnation became our leaders, and fear drove us into hiding. The result? We dressed ourselves… poorly…thinking we could overcome, but really we just looked ridiculous—trading truth for fig leaves.

The LORD didn’t leave us there. He upgraded our leaves, and he’s been upgrading the way we’re dressed ever since—working in our lives to get us back to the clothes of Genesis 1 and 2.

At Sheep’s Brand Clothing Company, we are partnering with LORD to see his people dressed rightly—in the greatest truths the world has ever known (and many times ignored). Declare, encourage, challenge, and be challenged. Wrestle it out. Put on the clothes of knowing the LORD, and dress like you mean it.

Sheep's Brand Clothing Company was birthed out of following the Lord, even when it didn't make sense. Click below to read more about who we are how we came to be.