Our Story

There's only one thing I've seen that God can't do...he can't do nothing. God is love and love is active. He's always at work. Even in books of the bible where God isn't mentioned (Esther), he's working to oppose evil, he's working to advance his kingdom, and he's working for the good of his people—whether they know it or not...and whether they like it or not.

But, like it or not, what the LORD is saying and doing in your life is always a good thing—even when it doesn't make sense or line up with your plans (see Ahab and Micaiah in 1 Kings 22).

So, how do you go from fine arts to videography to animation to website development to bible teacher to apparel tycoon? I guess by following the LORD, even when it doesn't make sense.

That is the journey of Sheep's Brand Clothing Company. Read on...

The Art Department

I've always loved making things—Legos, Lincoln Logs, blocks, drawing, painting, sculpture. They didn't always come out well, but there was something about the process that I loved.

For my love of all things "art" growing up, I never saw it as a career. In college, I knew that I was going into education. Most of my friends were education majors. I was an education major. The summer before I started my first round of classes, I decided to work at a middle school day camp. It was there that I quickly realized I didn't have the patience, desire, care, or basic skills needed for my future career path. I made a huge mistake.

Somehow, I found my way to the art department (remember, the LORD is always at work). I still didn't know how I was going to get a job, but I was running out of core classes and needed to declare a major...so art it was. Ultimately painting. Oil painting. I love the smell. I love that it's messy. I love watching an image slowly come to life.

I love that art didn't have to just be pretty. As a kid, my understanding of art didn't go far beyond that it's cool and decorative and worthy of gracing your refrigerator, or maybe...just maybe, your wall. I didn't expect it to be a powerful way to invite people into wrestling the same ideas I was wrestling with. It was a place to communicate in rich and beautiful ways. It was a way to bring people together and leave us all changed. 

Vocational Ministry

I joined a local church staff while I was in college. I was the media guy. Need help with your powerpoint? No problem. Design for a youth camp t-shirt? Check. Promotional material for your upcoming event? Let's get started. 

It was here that I first jumped into commercial art, videography, animation, and graphic design. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know how to use any of the software required, but the church took a chance and I figured it out as I went. 

That job turned into other jobs. Other ministries. Moving. I learned how to build websites. I don't like building websites. I learned how because I needed one. As it turns out...everyone else needed one too. Flash animation became 3D animation. Design turned into brand development. 

As valuable as websites can be, and brands do need to be developed, it seemed that the more I advanced in my career, the farther away I got from what I fell in love with so long ago in college. 

I had it out with the LORD. I was wasting my life on websites? There was a definite shortage of humility. The LORD forced me into...thankfully. I realized that I wasn't wasting my life on websites, I was wasting it on the LORD (see Mary anointing Jesus at Bethany in Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 7, and John 12). And that is a beautiful thing.

Websites and Powerpoint it is...until...

The Story Class

Teach the Bible? Someone must have heard the LORD wrong. I'm the website guy. I don't have any qualifications to teach (remember, Middle School Day Camp guy), let alone teach the most important book on earth.

Being a part of this class has been one of the greatest honors of my life. It didn't start out that well though. I don't think anyone else knew. It was stressful. I knew what I wasn't bringing to the table. But I was afraid to be weak. So I was strong instead...for 7 months...laboring...studying...taking notes...memorizing...striving. God was still faithful to show up in spite of me not really inviting him to be a part of it...until I finally gave out. I couldn't do it. I actually needed him. And big surprise, I found him.

The first year was hard, but every year after has been a joy. The stories are the same, but every conversation is different. It's almost like it's living...or something... There are two ways you can engage with scripture. One way is like a book—a collection of inspirational and sometimes challenging sayings. Maybe you can apply some of it to your life. The other way to engage with it is like a person. Scripture is the very concept of God. When you engage it like that, you're actually pressing deeper into relationship. That's the kind of thing that will change your life.

Every story is a story to be wrestled because they aren't just stories. It is God in book form. When we wrestle the stories, we wrestle with God. The beauty of wrestling is that you can't do it without being close. It's personal. It's messy. It's intimate. 

Who knows...on the other side of it you might just get a new name (see Genesis 32).

Sheep's Brand

Hindsight is a great gift. Sometimes it's hard to look ahead and see why the LORD is doing what he is doing. I guess that's why so much of it is a faith journey.

On paper, Sheep's Brand is the most out-of-left-field thing we've ever followed the LORD into. But looking back on the journey of walking with the LORD, it actually makes a lot of sense. He works for the good of those who love him according to his purposes (Romans 8:28) and he does it in all things—the things that make sense and the things that don't.

Art, creating, design, marketing, branding, leading others, pastoring, teaching the truth of the Word, inviting others to wrestle with who God is and who we are in him. This has been our journey, and we're excited that you're a part of it with us!